Control your sound with listening modes
Whit an advance acoustic platform and noise cancelling, Solo Pro ensures you'll always have the right sound for the right situation.
Explore the awesome
Control your sound with listening modes
Whit an advance acoustic platform and noise cancelling, Solo Pro ensures you'll always have the right sound for the right situation.
Your Ears. Your Style.
With One Pro Earbuds, our obsession with product design provides a beautiful expression of elegance, simplicity and professionalism that positively projects your style and personality.
Connect One Pro Earbuds to your computer and smartphone simultaneously. Use native Bluetooth to seamlessly connect to your smartphone along with the included USB receiver that plugs into your computer for extra-reliable wireless connectivity.
What's in the box
Product's reviews
“After I started learning design with Quillow, I realized that I had improved to very advanced levels. While I am studying at my university, I design as an additional income and I am sure that I will do this professionally.”
“Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Suspendisse non quam vel nibh porttitor varius et id massa. Integer id urna aliquet, porttitor nulla necus”
Aenean venenatis, magna vitae sollicitudin commodo, turpis augue porta erat, vel dignissim sem justo ac velit. Nulla lacinia vulputate urna maximus dictum. Sed congue elit erat, sed aliquet risus porta eget
“Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Etiam feugiat ligula eros, ut scelerisque enim cursus efficitur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”
Donec molestie urna ut vehicula egestas. Sed eu pretium metus, pharetra condimentum nisi. Aenean tincidunt maximus libero, vel iaculis metus sagittis id. Maecenas nulla lorem, fermentum vel dignissim in, tincidunt eu enim